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5 Benefits Of Playing Soccer

Nick Mouzourakis

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

Have you ever tried playing soccer? Are you still deciding whether playing soccer is the sport for you?

Not only is soccer a fun and exciting sport to play, but there are many benefits to playing soccer that you may not realise.

By joining a local team or joining a soccer academy you can expect to receive these five benefits.


Soccer is a game for everyone. It doesn’t matter what age or the ability of a player, you can play casually in the park with some friends or competitively, whichever category suits you there’s a soccer class available in Sydney.

Soccer can also be practised both solo, one-on-one or as a team, with any number of players. Another advantage that soccer has over other sports is that it is generally played outdoors and so can be pretty played all year round in Sydney!


Soccer is a fast-paced game and so playing and training is an aerobic workout that both strengthens the body and increases your cardiovascular health.

Soccer keeps the body moving and develops your fitness and endurance, balance and coordination and builds strength in muscles all over your body. With all these benefits you can expect to become a lean, mean, soccer machine the more you train and practice in preparation for the game.


Learning to play soccer develops many beneficial pathways in our brains as well. Due to the fast-paced nature of soccer, you’ll gain better motor skills, reaction times, coordination and spatial awareness of your body.

By committing to a team sport like soccer, we also learn things like self-discipline and fairness, by turning up to training and following the rules of the game, as well as competitiveness by facing an opponent.


Exercise, in general, is great for your mental health. Moving our bodies releases feel-good hormones and can be a good way to release the stresses of our outside problems. But sometimes it’s hard to find exercise routines that are fun and easy to commit to regularly.

Playing soccer is both fun and exciting so it’s a great way to be active without feeling like we’re exercising.

Being part of a team also builds our self-esteem and teaches valuable life lessons in a supportive environment.


In other sports, you might not always be part of a team. By playing a team sport you will gain both teammates and possibly new friends. This gives us a sense of belonging and confidence that playing an individual sport cannot offer. By playing soccer you’ll be part of a team of players and will also learn sportsmanship by playing against opposing other teams.

If these five benefits of soccer haven’t quite convinced you to join a team, a good taste of what it’s like to play soccer is to attend a soccer academy.

Attending soccer classes will teach you the basic skills you’ll need to feel confident signing up for a new team.

Or if you prefer to focus on your skills in a one-on-one environment, private soccer coaching is always available for your individual needs as a soccer player.

Join our Soccer Academy

Our program encourages all kids of all ages to join our Football Brilliance Soccer Academy by offering each player personalised soccer coaching tailored to their soccer needs.

Our team of soccer professionals will perform an evaluation of each student's level of skill on the soccer pitch as well as their level of fitness. This assessment is a key component and starting point for each program, in order, to maximise results for each player.

Our Sydney soccer academy program is designed for young players, preparing for the soccer season or wishing to improve their skill level.

These soccer players are looking to improve on technique and skill level, along with motivation to reach their full potential. In addition, to their soccer training plan our soccer coaching staff, structures a fitness program to help players maximise their time throughout practices and games.

This further improves players' agility, flexibility, and strength. Football Brilliance offers a range of programs to support players' development. The Football Brilliance soccer academy program is very popular, and places fill up quickly so get in touch with us to guarantee a place for your child.

To find out more about any of our soccer coaching programs or if you have any questions about our soccer academy please click the button below.

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